Pernahkah menjumpai kalimat demikian saat membuka blok Anda? Mari kita berbagi pengalaman seputar "Your blog is locked". Berbagi pengalaman akan sangat bermanfaat dan membantu bagi teman - teman lainnya yang juga mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Di bawah ini ada salah satu teman yang membagikan pengalamannya dan telah berhasil keluar dari permasalahan tersebut. Tanpa panjang lebar, silahkan simak langsung kisahnya.
"Yesterday, I got myself in a blogging mood and I was all set to write some fiery-yet-droll prose, when what should befall me but being tarred by Blogger's nuttiness.
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.
You won't be able to publish posts to your blog until one of our humans reviews it and verifies that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review. We'll take a look at your blog and unlock it in less than two business days.
If we don't hear from you, though, we will remove your blog from Blog*Spot within a few weeks.
Holy schnike! If I'd gone on vacation or into the hospital, or just got too busy to post, they'd delete my entire blog?
Blogger explains that spam blogs contain strings of random text and a crapload of links that all go to the same site. O-o-o-kay. Not seeing how my blog looks like that. My last few posts had some links, but they didn't all go to the same place.
Here's my favorite part: The part where Blogger says "until one of our humans reviews it." Doesn't that sound like a fun place to work? Wal-Mart has "associates" and Disney World has "cast members." This is the first time I've seen employees referred to as "our humans."
It is a comfort to know that decisions on my blog are not being delegated to lemurs, I suppose. Or bears. An angry bear might remove blogs out of spite, you know? And the computers, well, we all saw what HAL did in 2001: A Space Odyssey. What if Blogger outsourced to earthworms? How would they work their keyboards and see their monitors, being eyeless and limbless?
If you could have some employees working for you at home, what species would they be?"
Sudah mendapatkan pencerahan dari kisah pembelajaran di atas???, atau masih menemukan kesulitan untuk memecahkan permasalahan tersebut? Oleh karena itu Saya persilahkan kepada teman - teman semua untuk berbagi melalui kotak komentar yang telah disediakan. Karena berbagi itu indah.
"Yesterday, I got myself in a blogging mood and I was all set to write some fiery-yet-droll prose, when what should befall me but being tarred by Blogger's nuttiness.
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.
You won't be able to publish posts to your blog until one of our humans reviews it and verifies that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review. We'll take a look at your blog and unlock it in less than two business days.
If we don't hear from you, though, we will remove your blog from Blog*Spot within a few weeks.
Holy schnike! If I'd gone on vacation or into the hospital, or just got too busy to post, they'd delete my entire blog?
Blogger explains that spam blogs contain strings of random text and a crapload of links that all go to the same site. O-o-o-kay. Not seeing how my blog looks like that. My last few posts had some links, but they didn't all go to the same place.
Here's my favorite part: The part where Blogger says "until one of our humans reviews it." Doesn't that sound like a fun place to work? Wal-Mart has "associates" and Disney World has "cast members." This is the first time I've seen employees referred to as "our humans."
It is a comfort to know that decisions on my blog are not being delegated to lemurs, I suppose. Or bears. An angry bear might remove blogs out of spite, you know? And the computers, well, we all saw what HAL did in 2001: A Space Odyssey. What if Blogger outsourced to earthworms? How would they work their keyboards and see their monitors, being eyeless and limbless?
If you could have some employees working for you at home, what species would they be?"
Sudah mendapatkan pencerahan dari kisah pembelajaran di atas???, atau masih menemukan kesulitan untuk memecahkan permasalahan tersebut? Oleh karena itu Saya persilahkan kepada teman - teman semua untuk berbagi melalui kotak komentar yang telah disediakan. Karena berbagi itu indah.

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3 komentar:
nyantai aja...
mo human kek yg review atw robot, yg ptg skrg blognya udah kebuka
selama saya ngeblog sepertinya saya juga belum pernah mengalami hal kaya seperti di atas "Your blog is locked"
Kenapa dilocked ? Wehehehe.... Karena rumah kamu banyak yang ngunjungin para malingker... Hehehe... Jangan hapus dong komen ini..
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